Vortex Energy - Making the Hydrogen Revolution a Reality...

Hydrogen is the only feasible way to truly achieve a green yet efficient energy source but for decades we have been faced with a few major issues (storage & transportation) that have held us back from commercial production and worldwide implementation. However, we just found a micro-cap stock that has the proprietary green hydrogen-green ammonia conversion technology that solves BOTH these issues and could finally catapult the mainstream implementation of hydrogen usage in airplanes and cars, making this Hydrogen hype a reality...

The best part is, this opportunity is available to the public, and it's still early it trades under the tickers 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX.

Why Hydrogen?

Hydrogen as a fuel is an undisputed leader in the electric vehicle space.

It’s better than Tesla’s electric cars…

And better than Ford’s electric cars…

They (and many others) are not even close to this level.

This tech has already produced a concept car with 1,000 miles of range.

And it’s a supercar to boot.

Nobody else can match that.

Not even Elon Musk…

It was made possible by hydrogen.

And below, we will talk about a potentially world-leading company… that can produce “high-purity hydrogen” using clean sources and proprietary tech.

Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX may paved the way for abundant and sustainable energy produced from high-purity hydrogen.

It could be an integral part of the supply chain for green hydrogen and green ammonia.

It could become the next clean energy conglomerate.


Its business model is one-of-a-kind.

(We will go into more detail below.)

But this is what you absolutely MUST know.

No other company that we are aware of combines these ground-breaking features under one stock symbol available in Canada, the United States, and Germany:

- Striving to develop hydrogen storage facilities.

- A proprietary ammonia-to-hydrogen conversion technology.

- Potential near-term cash flow from its Canada-based property focused on salt, a high-demand commodity.

Here’s how it works…

(Prepare to be amazed!)

Learn THIS to Be Ahead of 99.9% of Investors

Step 1: Produce Industrial Salt

Imagine a $14.2-billion market in a constant state of deficit…

That’s the global market for industrial salt.

Every year, the United States alone faces a shortfall of almost 10 million tonnes of salt.

In other words, it needs much more salt than it can get these days…

This is a supply crisis… and Vortex is in a position to be part of the solution.

Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX owns a salt project in Atlantic Canada.

It’s an early-stage property… conveniently located next to a deposit with almost one billion tonnes of salt.

The location of Vortex’s project is ideal, in our view.

The company is working towards advancing its Robinson River (that’s the project’s name) to production as soon as it can.

But there is something else…

Step 2: Use Salt Caverns (or Salt Domes) for Hydrogen Storage

When salt gets mined out from underground, it creates a “cavern” or a “dome.”

And these caverns are a perfect way to store hydrogen, the best clean fuel available right now.

So, in addition to producing salt… the project becomes a massive clean energy storage installation.

Salt goes out; hydrogen goes in…

And hydrogen is poised to be a massive market.

Bank of America research suggests that hydrogen technology has a total market potential of $11 trillion by 2050.

Its aiming to become one of the earliest hydrogen storage providers in Canada if not in North America.

But that’s not all…

Step 3: Use Hydrogen to Revolutionize the Global Green Hydrogen/Ammonia Supply Chains

Not only can Vortex store hydrogen… it can revolutionize global transportation.


It has access to proprietary technology that solves the biggest problem in hydrogen transportation.

In other words, Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX aims to be part of the hydrogen trillion-dollar trend.

It will do it by becoming a hydrogen storage provider… and by licensing a UNIQUE technology that makes a widespread hydrogen revolution possible.

Few investors are aware of this technology… but don’t worry, we will explain it shortly.

For now, we URGE you to put this name on your radar: Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX.

Canadian Green Hydrogen Plant Set to Be One of The Largest in The World

South Korean company SK Ecoplant Co. will invest in and help develop a US$4.5 billion green hydrogen project in Atlantic Canada that’s set to be one the largest such plants in the world. This project neighbors the Vortex project.

SK said it will be partnering with Canadian firm World Energy GH2 Inc., the project’s main developer. The first phase will involve building an onshore wind-power plant, an electrolysis system and a facility that can make 360,000 tons of green ammonia per year. The goal is to produce green hydrogen by next year, and green ammonia a year later.

This recent deal announced on May 17, 2023 has catapulted green hydrogen projects in Atlantic Canada like Vortex into the spotlight globally. Vortex salt caverns will be the perfect storage solution for the hydrogen produced.

The renewable energy unit of SK Inc. will buy a 20 per cent stake in the facility in the eastern province of Newfoundland and Labrador for US$50 million, it said in a statement. The project will produce green hydrogen and then covert it to ammonia to be exported to Europe, it said.

The announcement came during Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit to South Korea.

Canada is trying to position itself as a major producer, user and exporter of hydrogen. It signed a green hydrogen supply pact with Germany last year, and also has a separate US$6 billion project to produce the fuel in Nova Scotia, another eastern province.

High-Purity Hydrogen Provider to Solve a Critical Market Problem

The market for green hydrogen is exploding.

It’s growing at about 59% each year.

But there’s a problem… and only companies like Vortex may solve it.

The problem is simple: economics.

In theory, producing green hydrogen is straightforward. You need electricity and water.

But there are very few places on Earth where clean electricity is cheap and abundant.

Newfoundland and Labrador, a province in Canada, is one such place. It’s uniquely positioned for green hydrogen production.

And Vortex is taking advantage of it.

The company’s next-door neighbor (as discussed above), World Energy GH2, is pushing for a $12-billion hydrogen plant and wind farm.

The project would include 164 turbines that would generate over 1 Gigawatt of power to supply a green hydrogen and green ammonia production plant in Stephenville, Newfoundland and Labrador.

This electricity could potentially be used to produce green hydrogen and store it in Vortex’s massive caverns it aims to develop.

wind installations close to Vortex Energy’s Salt property
Wind installations close to Vortex Energy’s Salt property

As we said, the company is about to enter the $11 trillion hydrogen business.

And it’s going to transform it through its proprietary technology.

The Industry needs technology that can convert green hydrogen to green ammonia…

The tech that Vortex has access to allows it to do two critical things.

Convert green hydrogen to green ammonia…

…and “crack” green ammonia back to green hydrogen for use in fuel cells. The tech that Vortex has allows it do just that.

The first function (converting hydrogen to ammonia) makes transporting clean fuel sources more efficient.


Because ammonia is more energy-dense than hydrogen.

(For the tech-inclined among you, hydrogen’s energy density is 2.5 MJ/l, while ammonia’s is 12.7 MJ/l.)

To be precise, it’s five times more energy dense.

So, the same amount of energy takes five times less volume… which saves a LOT on shipping costs.

It is also easier to store liquid ammonia. It is liquid at -33°C (or -27.4°F.)

Meanwhile, hydrogen is liquid at -253°C (or -423.4°F.)

Green ammonia will be the future of energy transportation, in our view…

It is less flammable, easier to transport, and more cost-effective.

But when green ammonia is delivered to its point of use, it needs to be decompressed or “cracked” back into high-purity green hydrogen.

And Vortex has proprietary technology to do that.

It is called “ammonia cracking reactor technology and membrane separator technology.”

It allows the production of high-purity hydrogen from green ammonia.

This high-purity hydrogen is what actually goes into cars… trucks… ships… and any other mode of transportation.

Vortex aims to license this technology to build and supply green ammonia cracking units. They can be used in green hydrogen fueling stations.

In other words, the company will license its high-purity hydrogen production systems to anyone who needs to use hydrogen as a fuel source.

The list of customers could be massive… and the market opportunity could potentially run in the billions of dollars.

In 2022, the hydrogen generation market was valued at $155 billion. It could reach about $289 billion by 2030, according to Grand View Research.

While the market opportunity is going to grow at a rapid pace, the cost of producing hydrogen should decline.

The International Energy Agency estimates that by 2030, the cost of hydrogen production could fall by 30%.

We will not be surprised to see major equipment manufacturers pay attention to Vortex’s intellectual property…

They produce massive fleets of trucks, tractors, and other transportation… and they are switching to hydrogen as a source of fuel.

Companies such as Mitsubishi, General Motors, Hyundai, and others develop their own hydrogen-powered vehicles.

Here is a hydrogen-powered truck concept from Hyundai:

Hyundai's Hydrogen Semi Truck Concept Is Built to Take on Tesla
A hydrogen-powered truck from Hyundai

But these trucks, cars, ships… they all need charging infrastructure. And Vortex is in a perfect position, in our view, to use its green hydrogen and green ammonia technology to provide the “missing piece” in the global hydrogen supply chain.

This company can become an integrated supply chain manager of the global hydrogen shipping network. And a market potentially worth trillions of dollars.

Top reasons to consider Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX

Reason No. 1: Leadership composed of previous Canadian senior government officials such as Nova Scotia's Premier Mcneil.

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Reason No. 2: Vortex strives to provide large-scale underground renewable energy storage by pumping hydrogen into large salt caverns.

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Reason No. 3: Vortex's green ammonia to hydrogen cracking technology could allow for safe and reliable transportation of hydrogen to any site.

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Reason No. 4: President Biden spoke in the Canadian parliament recently and clearly indicated the importance of an American and Canadian clean energy partnership.

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Reason No. 5: A 2017 survey of 1,000 global auto executives concluded hydrogen fuel cell technology will ultimately outperform battery-powered electric vehicles.

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Reason No. 6: California is spending more than $2.5 billion in clean energy funds to accelerate sales of hydrogen and battery vehicles. That includes $900 million earmarked to complete 200 hydrogen stations.

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Reason No. 7: Prime Minister Trudeau has signed a deal with German Chancellor Scholz for the shipment of Green Hydrogen to Germany from Atlantic Canada.

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Reason No. 8: Vortex is strategically located where mass hydrogen storage will be needed for shipment of hydrogen to America's east coast and Germany.

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Reason No. 9: Unlike batteries that go into EV's, green hydrogen power does not have a future battery recycling issue or use destructive mining practices. The only output from green hydrogen power is water.

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Reason No. 10: World class asset. Vortex Energy’s Salt project may allow for near term revenue from salt sales.

A Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia Shipping Leader

Recently, this future hydrogen supply network has received a boost from the Canadian and German governments.

The two countries agreed to establish a hydrogen supply chain across the Atlantic Ocean.

In February, Canada’s decision to supply Germany with hydrogen was accelerated when a $6-billion project to produce hydrogen was approved.

Canada, Germany aim to start hydrogen shipments in 2025 | AP News
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz meet to approve a hydrogen supply chain agreement

Shipments of green hydrogen should start as soon as 2025…

Which means that now is the best time to put Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX on your radar.

It is an early-stage opportunity in a potentially multi-trillion global market.

And the agreement between Canada and Germany isn’t the only one.

Canada, where Vortex’s project is located, is also working with the United States to create local supply chains for the materials critical for the clean transition.

Here’s the US President Joe Biden, speaking in Ottawa this March:

After the United States passed the multi-billion Inflation Reduction Act, Canada followed with its own set of tax breaks and incentives.

A joint statement from the US-Canada summit back in March says:

Canada is moving forward with an enhanced plan to support a clean economy future, including with a new investment tax credit for clean technology manufacturing in addition to tax measures that support clean hydrogen and clean technology adoption. As the implementation of these plans proceed, the United States and Canada will work together toward an integrated North American approach that benefits U.S. and Canadian workers, suppliers, and products.

The United States and Canada have become the global hotspots for the clean energy transition.

And Newfoundland and Labrador, where Vortex Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX is located, is already at the forefront of the hydrogen revolution.

The Vortex team has a track record of working with and within the provincial governments of Atlantic Canada.

Vortex aligned with one of the most impressive consulting firms in hydrogen cavern storage, RESPEC. They’re one of the only underground storage consultants with direct experience with actual salt caverns globally. The same team that is engaged on the Advanced Clean Energy Storage Project in Utah with Mitsubishi, Chevron, and Magnum is supporting Vortex. They know hydrogen and they know storage.

The company’s CEO, Mr. Paul Sparkes, served as Director of Operations to the Office of Prime Minister Jean Chretien and Special Assistant for Atlantic Canada.

About Us - Cumberland Strategies

He was also a senior aide to Newfoundland and Labrador Premiers Clyde Wells and Brian Tobin.

The company has recently added a political heavyweight to its board…

It appointed Mr. Stephen McNeil, former Premier of Nova Scotia, which is another Atlantic province, to its advisory board.

McNeil with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau
Vortex Energy’s Premier McNeil with Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau.

Mr. Mc Neil served in the Nova Scotia legislature for 18 years.

It also added Mr. Robert Crosbie to its team. Mr. Crosbie is a member of the Order of Canada and is an Atlantic Canada business leader who focuses on hypergrowth companies such as Vortex.

Philanthropist, businessman Rob Crosbie named to Order of Canada | CBC News
Robert Crosbie in front of his Crosbie Building, on the street named after him at 1 Crosbie Place, St. John's. Canada.

Crosbie is part of Best Managed Companies, Canada’s leading business award program that recognizes excellence by privately-owned Canadian companies.

In our view, the political background and capital that this team possesses is unbeatable.

It is perfectly positioned to participate in the political dialogue with both the Canadian and US governments and potentially benefit from the supply chain collaboration between Canada and Germany.

The company’s Robinson River is strategically located to become a transportation and storage hub within that supply chain.

Here’s how it works…

Salt Caverns (or Domes) to Become Massive Hydrogen Storage Systems

Modern hydrogen energy storage system

Energy storage is a giant problem.

Clean energy installations such as wind and solar farms don’t produce energy 24/7.

Wind doesn’t blow constantly, and solar farms can’t produce energy during the night.

To make sure that energy is always available for consumers, you need to capture it when it is produced and store it for later.

Lithium-ion batteries are one option… these are giant batteries that can store enough energy to supply a whole town.

But there is a better solution… and it involves salt caverns (also known as salt domes.)

It could potentially dominate the $34-billion energy storage market by 2030.

In fact, even Tesla’s Elon Musk says that hydrogen storage will be essential for the future of clean electricity on Earth.

In Tesla’s Master Plan Part 3, he says:

The electrical demand for hydrogen production is modeled as a flexible load with annual production constraints, with hydrogen storage potential modeled in the form of underground gas storage facilities (like natural gas is stored today) with maximum resource constraints.

Strategically located salt caverns provide a key opportunity to increase the global energy storage capacity, in other words.

Hydrogen storage in salt caverns has a number of advantages.

  • Indispensable chain link: Underground hydrogen storage will enable us to support the development of the renewable hydrogen sector by ensuring security of renewable hydrogen supply.
  • Flexibility: Salt cavern offer flexibility regarding their injection and withdrawal cycles to respond to the needs of the hydrogen market. Depending on their depth, salt caverns may be operated at pressures up to 200 bars and allowing for large-volume hydrogen storage (from 9 to 6,000 tons).
  • Safety: Due to their tightness, salt caverns allow for safe storage of large quantities of hydrogen under pressure. The first hydrogen storage cavern, which was built in the United Kingdom in 1972, is still in service.
    How do they work?

Look at the image below. It’s a picture of a salt mine.

At the top, you see clean power production stations: wind and solar. They generate electricity to make hydrogen via electrolysis.

But then…

That hydrogen is pumped into the empty caverns that hosted salt. It stays there and can later be taken back and transported either as green hydrogen or as green ammonia.

salt caverns (aka salt domes) are used to store hydrogen
Salt caverns (aka salt domes) are used to store hydrogen

Salt deposits are an ideal solution for energy storage. They can store hydrogen, natural gas, and others.

But they need to be strategically located… much like the Robinson River project that Vortex owns.

As a reminder, it’s located in Newfoundland and Labrador. This is the Canadian province that’s perfectly suited for shipping green hydrogen (and green ammonia) to Germany as part of the German-Canadian hydrogen supply chain agreement.

Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX aims to seize a key opportunity here.

You should clearly understand it.

It may be one of the very few hydrogen storage facilities serving the massive European market and the East Coast market.

Europe has a GDP of over $17 trillion, and it has an URGENT need to replace Russian oil and gas supplies with sources of clean energy.

This is the reason why Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Canada and signed the hydrogen shipping agreement.

Europe, which is one of the world’s largest economies, needs green hydrogen NOW.

The East Coast of the United States is also a massive market for green hydrogen.

The problem is that there are not many sources of green hydrogen available.

Most of the country’s hydrogen infrastructure is in the state of Utah… which is close to the West Coast. Shipping hydrogen from there to the East Coast is expensive.

On the other hand, Canada’s East Coast provinces, such as Newfoundland and Labrador, are closer. They have access to ports and enjoy the special economic relationship between Canada and the United States.

They are a better option to supply the East Coast of the United States with hydrogen.

In other words, Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX has positioned itself to supply some of the world’s largest markets for green hydrogen: Europe and the US East Coast.

But the company’s position isn’t the only winning factor here.

The world needs a lot of this storage… and building out storage systems above ground is too capital-intensive.

Hydrogen has less energy per cubic foot than natural gas… so to store enough energy to replace natural gas completely, we would need about four times the storage volume for hydrogen.

Nobody in the investment world understands this.

First, the hydrogen revolution is unstoppable.

Second, the world will need absolutely every cubic foot of volume available to store hydrogen.

Otherwise, the clean transition may not happen.

The demand for hydrogen storage could soar in the future… and the existing natural gas storage infrastructure will not be enough.

Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX salt caverns could potentially become a much-sought-after asset…

Salt caverns are the most economical and safe way of storing hydrogen for transportation and export.

Beyond that, however, they are a potential source of near-term income for the company.

The Ultra-Lucrative Salt Market

Vortex has one of the best business models we have seen.

It has the technology to transform the global green hydrogen and green ammonia shipping market… and a potentially large-scale energy storage platform in the form of salt caverns.

But these salt caverns don’t appear by themselves…

They are a by-product of mining salt.

And salt is one of the most underappreciated (yet valuable) commodities.

The company aims to mine salt from its Robinson River project in Atlantic Canada.

By 2030, the global salt market is projected to grow to over $19 billion, according to Allied Market Research.

The United States and Canada import over 16 million tonnes of salt annually.

This tells us that they don’t produce enough of this commodity.

And new salt mines will find immediate buyers in North America.

Salt is used for road de-icing, chemical manufacturing, water treatment, food processing… the list goes on.

The company’s project, Robinson River, is an attractive early-stage salt property, in our view.

It is located in Newfoundland and covers 17,139 hectares. It’s close to roads and ports. Critically, the port works year-round with no delays due to cold winter conditions.

Past owners spent about $8.7 million exploring the property. This is the money that Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX will not need to spend. It has direct access to the data generated by previous exploration.

Right next to Robinson River is another salt project called Great Atlantic.

The project has been a massive success so far. It has a total resource of 187 million tonnes of 96.4% NaCl in the Indicated resource category and 999 million tonnes grading 95.6% NaCl.

This massive deposit is located just 15 kilometers (9.3 miles) away from Robinson River.

Robinson River could become a source of an off-take agreement for the company. In other words, it could be an additional source of financing for its other projects, such as the green hydrogen and green ammonia technology and the development of salt caverns.

The team in charge of the company is the best we have seen in the business. If there is someone who can achieve this, it’s them.

An Industry-Leading Team

We believe that Vortex has the right team to advance its breakthrough business model.

The company’s CEO is Mr. Paul Sparkes.

Mr. Sparkes has extensive experience in the business and public arenas.

He served as Director of Operations to Canada’s former Prime Minister Jean Chretien and as a senior aide to two premiers of Newfoundland and Labrador.

This caliber of political connections is vital.

We mentioned earlier that Canada aims to provide the clean energy industry with incentives, tax breaks, and investment capital.

Mr. Sparkes’ experience in the public space and his understanding of the political process in Canada are invaluable to the company’s future success.

On the technical side, Mr. Shawn Ryan. He is a technical advisor to Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX.

Mr. Ryan is a renowned exploration professional. He received the Spud Huestis Award for excellence in prospecting and mineral exploration in 2010. He was also named Prospector of the Year Award by the PDAC for prospecting success.

This is one of the best teams in the mining industry that we have seen.

We believe that they can advance Vortex Energy 🇺🇸:$VTECF 🇩🇪$AA3 🇨🇦:$VRTX one-of-a-kind business model and make the company into one of the world’s clean technology leaders.

Early investors should URGENTLY pay attention to this opportunity.


Forward-Looking Statements and Legal Disclaimers – Please Read Carefully.

This article contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements that are not historical facts, including without limitation, statements regarding future estimates, plans, programs, forecasts, projections, objectives, assumptions, expectations or beliefs of future performance, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this material include that hydrogen will be the preferred alternative energy source of the future; that the market for green hydrogen and green ammonia will continue to grow substantially; that the market for hydrogen technologies will continue to grow substantially; that the demand for hydrogen storage will continue to grow substantially; that salt caverns will be utilized as one of the main methods of hydrogen storage; that the green hydrogen and green ammonia markets will continue to grow substantially; that technologies that convert hydrogen to ammonia and vice versa will become mainstream clean energy technologies in the future; that political mandates in Canada, United States, Germany and elsewhere will continue to accelerate the market growth of hydrogen and related technologies; that the global market for salt will continue to grow; that there will be a global supply crisis for salt; that salt caverns will be utilized for hydrogen storage; that Vortex Energy Corp. (the “Company”) will become a world-leading company of the future; that the Company will produce “premium hydrogen” using clean sources and proprietary technology; that the Company will pave the way for abundant and sustainable energy produced from “premium hydrogen”; that the Company will become a future supply chain leader for green hydrogen and green ammonia; that the Company will become a clean energy conglomerate; that the Company will successfully implement its plan to develop hydrogen storage facilities; that the Company will successfully develop a green hydrogen-green ammonia conversion technology; that the Company will obtain cash flow from its mineral properties; that the Company can successfully explore and develop its properties for salt production; that the Company can implement its plan to provide hydrogen storage in salt caverns; that the Company will successfully develop proprietary technologies that can convert green hydrogen to green ammonia and convert green ammonia back into green hydrogen; that the Company will be able to license any proprietary technologies it develops and that licensees will develop stations and plants that convert green ammonia into green hydrogen and vice versa; that the Company can commercialize its properties and technologies, if developed, on a global scale; that the Company can become a green hydrogen and green ammonia shipping leader due to significant political connections, a favorable geographical location and other factors; that management’s previous experience will allow the Company to achieve commercial success and implement its business plans; that the Company can become one of very few hydrogen storage facilities and suppliers serving Europe and the east coast of the United States; that the Company will achieve similar exploration and development success on its properties as was achieved on adjacent properties; that the Company will become a world-leading clean technology company; that the Company can generate revenues through implementation of its business models and/or obtain sufficient financing to continue its operations. These forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of risks and uncertainties and other factors that could cause actual events or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information. Risks that could change or prevent these statements from coming to fruition include that hydrogen fails to become a preferred alternative energy source of in future or alternative technologies are developed and achieve market acceptance; that the market for green hydrogen, green ammonia and hydrogen technologies fail to grow as expected due to alternative technologies; that the demand for hydrogen storage does not increase as anticipated due to various reasons; that salt caverns may not continue be utilized as a main method of hydrogen storage in future and that alternative storage technologies may be preferred; that the green hydrogen and green ammonia markets may not grow as expected due to competing technologies and resources; that technologies that convert hydrogen to ammonia and vice versa may fail to become mainstream clean energy technologies in the future for various reasons; that political mandates in Canada, United States, Germany and elsewhere may result in market reductions for hydrogen and related technologies; that the global market for salt may not grow as anticipated or that alternative resources will be preferred; that there may fail to be a global supply crisis for salt; that salt caverns may decline in use for hydrogen storage in favor of alternative methods; that the Company may fail to achieve success for various reasons, including if the Company is unable to produce “premium hydrogen” and/or develop any proprietary technology; that the Company may fail to become a supply chain leader for green hydrogen and green ammonia; that the Company’s property may fail to have positive exploration results and the Company’s business model may be unsuccessful; that the Company may be unable to develop hydrogen storage facilities if it has no commercial salt deposits and makes no extractions of salt to create caverns; that the Company may be unable to develop green hydrogen-green ammonia conversion technology or that alternative technologies will be better or receive wider acceptance; that the Company may fail to generate any revenue from its mineral properties and may lose money; that the Company’s property may not have commercial salt deposits; that the Company may be unable to implement its plan to provide hydrogen storage; that the Company may be unable to develop proprietary technology that can convert green hydrogen to green ammonia and convert green ammonia back into green hydrogen; that the Company may be unable to license any proprietary technologies it develops; that the Company may fail for various reasons to commercialize its properties and any technologies it develops; that the Company may be unable to utilize any political connections, favorable geographic location or other factors to achieve success; that management’s previous experience may not result in future success; the Company may have no salt reserves and fail to achieve similar results as adjacent properties; that the Company may suffer negative and unforeseen consequences from the COVID-19 pandemic or future pandemics; that the Company may ultimately fail to successfully implement its business plans, raise capital or generate any significant revenues. The forward-looking information contained herein is given as of the date hereof and we assume no responsibility to update or revise such information to reflect new events or circumstances, except as required by law.


PAID ADVERTISEMENT. This communication is a paid advertisement and is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities. Black Swan Solutions Inc DBA VHLA Media. and its owners, managers, employees, and assigns (collectively “ Black Swan Solutions Inc DBA VHLA Media ”) has been paid for by Vortex Energy Corp. (the “Company”) (US$75,000) for an ongoing marketing campaign including this article, among other things. This compensation is a major conflict with our ability to be unbiased. This communication is for entertainment purposes only. Never invest purely based on our communication.

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